Domestic grounds is a prototype for hard rug. Just as standing desks and kneeling chairs are questioning body posture and challenging the notion of comfort strongly associated with ease and softness, domestic grounds explores the potential for interior finishes to also perform at an ergonomic level by actively engaging our feet and body muscles with the production of a hard landscape to walk on.

A tessellated surface of pine wood, Domestic Grounds is a strange hybrid typology between a wooden plank floor system and a weaved carpet. 200 singular pieces of pine wood conform a portion of the full design.

Each of the wooden pieces is glued to a steel rod at the back, conforming linear strips of wood tiles. The linear strips are weaved together transversally with paracord rope.

Tactility in the floor plane delivers instructions to the body that need not to be translated into language, inducing rather than telling. Domestic Grounds generates a moderate interior topography. Sectional manipulation of the floor surface can result in therapeutic benefits while also amplify the sensory experience of domestic circulation. Domestic Grounds advocates for a carefully designed and controlled return to our pre-shoe, barefoot walking habits.